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# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ97 |
Using the lunar distance calculator:
The predicted center point was at latitude +5.18, east longitude 233.55, or -53.55
The resultant center point of the impact crater was at 5.226° N, 234.486° E or -54.486
The resultant calculation for the distance between these two points is 28.300102847565924 km
Presumably, this does not take into account elevation, but rather presumes a curved surface (e.g. as the moon crow flies). Elevation would make the distance longer if elevation were taken into account, presumably.
Therefore, being that the actual impact was outside of the original radius of of 4km by over 7 times!
This of course means that the market must resolve to, "no" as the Chang'e 5-T1 booster did not hit within the predicted sphere.
The rocket body crater formed in a complex area (arrow, 5.226° N, 234.486° E, 1863 meters elevation
I need to calculate the number of kilometers away from the originally projected site to see whether it was within 4 km..
Evidently the impact crater site has been found. I need to do more reading to understand exactly where it hit. https://www.projectpluto.com/temp/imaged.htm