Will Japan have a general AI company with a valuation of $1 bil+ primarily doing research inside of its borders by 2028?

Japan has asserted that it will not enforce copyright when it comes to training AI. Given existing data lawsuits against essentially all of the major AI companies, do you think a general AI company will
1. move its operations to or
2. be successfully grown inside of Japan, taking advantage of the favorable copyright regime?

Update Jan 6: Added the word "general" to the title to distinguish it between domain-specific AI companies. (See comments below for context.)

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Not directly related, but things might be getting closer: https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai-japan

Fuji film is already a $24B market cap Japanese medical AI company.

@BTE : Happy to clarify wording here to mean a company targeting generalized AGI-style AI rather than something applications/domain specific - would that help? Happy for wording suggestions if you (or others) have feedback.

bought Ṁ30 of YES

@MoyaChen I would find that helpful for sure, I actually opened the post to ask if it was generalised AI or if domain-specific counts too

@ngoomie Cool done. :)