The #1 spot on the leaderboard is cursed.
@IsaacKing .. @Catnee... @jbeshir... @PeterBerggren... @JoelBecker... All reached the #1 spot but today have negative all-time profits.
Even Mira was wiped out and she only reached #2
Who will be the next former #1 to hit zero in all-time profits?
I will exclude glitches, manipulations, transient spikes, and disqualify leaderboarders whose tenure was so far back that no-one remembers it. I'm probably going to add Joel Becker, but his profit graph isn't loading so I can't confirm my recollection that he was once #1. UPDATE: it turns out Joel has already hit zero.
If you want me to add a person who hasn't hit #1 yet so you can bet on them, just ask me and I will add them. But I'm leaving new submissions closed right now so we don't hit the cap before the next victim of the curse even signs up for the website.
@Joshua when you owe the website 1000 mana, you have a problem. When you owe the website a 1,000,000 mana, the website has a problem.
@MichaelWheatley When one trader owing 1M mana to the website can cause systemic risk, ya the website has a problem.
ETA lightbulb dim but coming on. You know that chestnut refers to banks right? Like one bank? In an interrelated economy of investors, traders, banks, markets, intermediaries, and value-creators? Surely you do. So what is this Manifold? Bank? Market? Microeconomy? Other?
@MichaelWheatley in case a young is encountering the old chestnut for the first time and now is not following https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/debtbomb.asp#:~:text=in%20the%20U.S.A.-,Understanding%20a%20Debt%20Bomb,bomb%20is%20the%20latter%20situation.