Will Argentina officially recognize the country of Liberland?

Not entirely sure how I'll resolve this, but I'll use my best judgement. If President-elect Milei makes a statement that recognizes Liberland as a country I might count that.

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"There already is a country based on the libertarian model called Liberland." https://x.com/Liberland_org/status/1749468677475340543

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We signed a Memorandum of Understanding which main purpose is “to establish a framework of cooperation and mutual assistance in the areas of international connections, business investment, joint projects, knowledge sharing, and advocacy for recognition and support”. https://liberlandpress.com/2024/02/06/argentina-leads-way-in-international-recognition/

If this happens, you can be 100% totally sure you will hear about it because Croatia and Serbia will rightly make a big fuss about it, and the entire EU will follow suit in support of Croatia.