This market resolves YES if:
The Elon Musk vs. Zuckerberg Fight is scheduled and actually happens before 2025
The Fight is streamed on any Facebook/Meta platform in some sort of official way
Platforms like Instagram and Horizon count. Anything owned by Facebook/Meta
"Some sort of official way" means that the company itself, or an account associated with an employee, hosts the stream. If it's just, like, some random guy who happened to go to the physical event with a smarpthone, that doesn't count.
It does not have to be exclusive
If the fight does not happen, it resolves N/A
What if it’s only the first three minutes free and then a paywall that directs you to a UFC website?
@assfasdasdd Sorry I didn't include that criteria. Since the title says "If", that's a conditional, so if it doesn't happen, the market resolves N/A. It resolves NO if the fight happens but doesn't get streamed through these platforms in some official manner.