Will Destiny win the debate with Ben Shapiro? [According to Manifold]
resolved Jan 26

Destiny and Ben Shapiro have had a debate, which you can watch here

After watching the debate, you can rate the performance of Destiny and Shapiro in these two polls:



These polls, and this market, will close in two days.

If Destiny's debate performance has a higher average rating than Shapiro's when the polls close, this market will resolve YES. Otherwise, this market will resolve NO.

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Predictable result, but anyone being honest with themselves would admit that Shapiro won. Right off the bat, he got pushed from the position of “I am liberal because I saw how unfair school district inequality was” to “maybe the government isn’t the solution to school districts, or any social problem, but I’m frustrated that we can’t at least have the conversation about solutions.” And then mistaking Egypt for Turkey twice.

predicted YES

@FoxKHTML Ben Shapiro made fewer mistakes, but he had some really bad arguments. 'Trump can't be judged because he's too stupid and delusional to be judged' is such an absurd way to defend a presidential candidate. Also 'Sure he'll probably try and overthrow democracy, but I don't think he will succeed' like jesus christ.

predicted NO

@FoxKHTML True, he was too "both sidesy", but maybe that was his strat to seem more reasonable to a conservative audience...

@Tumbles No disagreement there, and no surprise that he asked for the topic to be changed to foreign policy. Problem is that he cooked D on every other topic.

predicted NO

@FoxKHTML Man, he really got smacked around during that education section. He was constantly saying “true I agree” to Ben’s point that spending money on food and air con will make extremely small differences, yet for some reason he was trying to get Ben to concede that the government should do it anyway…

predicted NO

@carl It made the “debate” so much less interesting though.

predicted YES

@KwameOsei Destiny doesn't think air conditioning and food funding make small differences. Destiny thinks they make substantial differences, just not as big a difference as Solve Homelife. His point was that the government doesn't have a Solve Homelife button, but it does have a Install Airconditioning button. I agree he didn't make the point as well as he could have, the conservative carousel thing or w/e didn't land right

By my count, Destiny got an average of 3.7 stars to Ben's 3.4. Destiny wins!

predicted YES

@Joshua Politics is solved and the country is saved!

predicted YES

@Joshua Polls are closed, Destiny performed better, pls resolve ❤

Shapiro did better on foreign policy. I liked his comments on credentialism in education (2:03:00).

He did worse when he decided to start licking Trump's boots.

Ben thinks Biden is more divisive than Trump, because we all know that Trump just spews crazy shit, but Biden should know better.

Ben thinks that Trump can't lie about the election being stolen, because Trump is too delusional to know that he lost. J6 wasn't an insurrection because it wasn't organized well enough.

Ben's not worried about Trump's previous election denial because he thinks Trump won't run a 3rd time. What if Don Jr runs and Trump just has his VP appoint Don Jr president? Seemed like Destiny could have argued something like that (around 1:48:00). There are plenty of ways to abuse power once you know there are no consequences, you just need a bit more imagination.

Shapiro makes conservativism sound great, but if that's the man he wants to implement conservativism, then fuck no.

I'd consider voting for Haley if she made it to the general election. I would even look over DeSantis' policies before deciding. But Trump is just a no for me.

I don't remember who had the better take on wokeness, they were both very criticial, I think Destiny maybe did a better job at still praising social progress while criticizing SJW excess. It also feels like SJW craziness has gone down a bit in the past few years relative to, say, 2017-2018. Maybe that's even because of who's in office?

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Trump broke conservatives’ brains.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Just finished listening, really cool discussion. Thank you @LexFridman!

In terms of who won I think Ben came out on top on foreign policy. For Israel-Palestine, Wokeism and Monogamy vs open relationships I'd say it was 50/50 as they either agreed or just laid out their positions without much back and forth.

On education and Russia-Ukraine I'd give Destiny a slight edge and I thought Destiny made a much stronger/convincing case when discussing Trump vs Biden, January 6/Abuse of power and institutional capture.

Overall I'd say Destiny had the better performance but the real winner was the viewers and it's awesome to see the video getting such an overwhelmingly positive reception.

Who was right, Destiny or Ben Shapiro?

Destiny held his own, but he got waxed on foreign policy. When he tried to suggest that Iran and Israel were close to reconciliation 15 years ago, I cringed. Ben shut him down. He also embarrassed himself when he suggested that Israel wanted to keep fighting because of West Bank settlements.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

I feel like Destiny won BIGLY on education and 'Jan 6'

@Tumbles Need a round 2 ; that was too easy a listen for 140 minutes.

@SirCryptomind came here to post this - you're faster than me 😅

@shankypanky 1 Downside to this episode is It is Shapiro and Destiny, I cant watch this at 1.25-1.5x like normal Lex Fridman episodes hahaha
(0.75x Speed brings them 2 down to normal talking speed but makes Lex sound sinister).

@SirCryptomind Same, I didn't account for this. I'm so used to hearing Lex at ~1.5x or more, he sounds sickly at normal speed.
(Let's see if I still love longform podcasts when I have to listen to them at 1x)

sold Ṁ0 of NO

@SirCryptomind It's out! I'll make the poll now, and as I said in the comments below I think i'll leave the poll and the market open for 48 hours since it's not a live stream.

@Joshua Yea it is 2hrs 20 min, might take a bit for people to watch. 😂 I am 40 min. in, only paused once so far, i started it as soon as it came out 52 minutes ago lol.

@SirCryptomind Just dropped in to say the same thing... first podcast I've listened to at normal speed in a long time.

@SirCryptomind rookie. i watched the whole thing on 1.75 (then again i watch most of destiny's stream on 2.0)