Will the dwarf planet question on my Manifold survey have the same result as the original survey?
resolved Oct 30
Resolved as

I will put a question on my Manifold survey asking which dwarf planet is the best, with the same options as the answer choices in /JosephNoonan/which-dwarf-planet-is-the-best (The original question resolves based on a different survey). Will the two surveys have the same result for the most popular planet?

If either survey results in a tie, I will resolve to a probability equal to the smallest proportion of dwarf planets that won in one survey but not the other. For example, if both surveys ended in a tie between Pluto and Eris, I would resolve YES, but if one had a tie between Pluto and Eris, and the other resulted in just Pluto being the winner, I would resolve to 50% since only 50% of the dwarf planets that won in the first survey (Pluto and Eris) also won in the second. If the first survey had a tie between Pluto, Eris, and Ceres, and the second had a tie between Pluto and Eris, it would resolve 67%, since only 67% of the dwarf plants that won in the first survey also won in the second.

See Plasma's Manifold Survey for other questions about the survey.

The survey is officially out! You can take it here: https://forms.gle/xZqWVxuY5irgLigu9

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