Buy YES if you think Burger Blast is the place to be. Buy NO if you think you shouldn't go there because Burger Blast is an alien plot to take over the Earth.
This market will resolve like "Is rationalussy good or bad?", which resolves like "Am I pretty?", which resolved like "The Market". In other words, it resolves YES if the average displayed percentage is >50%, and NO if it is <50%. To keep with tradition, if it ends in an exact tie, I will resolve to 50%.
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# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ388 | |
2 | Ṁ156 | |
3 | Ṁ33 | |
4 | Ṁ32 | |
5 | Ṁ19 |
This market will resolve like "Is rationalussy good or bad?", which resolves like "Am I pretty?", which resolved like "The Market". In other words, it resolves YES if the average displayed percentage is at least 50%, and NO otherwise.
Hmm, letsee, “The Market”:
Resolves YES if this average is greater than 50%, resolves NO if it's less than or equal to 50%.
oh so that one’s different, >50% while here is >=50%. Lets check up on Levina’s then:
Resolves to yes if price time average is 50% or above. Like in "the market"
Ha, so that was wrong/ambiguous/contradictory resolution criteria. Oh well it’s Levina fortunately the avg ended far above 50% and no controversies ensued. Phew!
But what of ButtCockWhatever?
This market resolves using the same method as "Am I pretty?", which resolved using the same method as "The Market", which resolved using the method of calculating if the average percentage was closer to yes or no, which was calculated using the method of time-averaging the percentage, which was calculated using the rounded values, which were calculated using the method of rounding to the nearest integer except for some percents that were rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
This is the best yet! Explaining everything in detail, while saying nothing on the 50% contradiction leaving it for the reader to decide (now we know it’s all on pretty Levina). Kudos to ButtCock’s radical non-position on the matter (“if the avg was closer to Y or N”). Love it!
So @JosephNoonan you gonna stand by your current wording “at least 50%” contradicting The Market and aligned with blond Levina? Unlikely to end at exactly 50% but we can’t rule it out completely, can we? 😛
@deagol it's good that there are people out there asking the right questions, speaking truth to power and being undaunted by the task at hand. ✊
@deagol Hm, I didn't even notice that they had different criteria. Well, I guess to follow the tradition of slightly changing what happens on an average of exactly 50% each time, I'll say that it resolves to 50% in that case. I don't think anyone will mind a slight change to what happens in a situation that is pretty much impossible anyway.
@deagol We just need the chain to continue long enough to try out every idea for what happens on a 50%. N/A, coinflip, resolves however the creator wants, reopens, resolves according to a vote, resolves based on the number of traders or shares on each side, etc.
@deagol The real reason there's no point is because the chances of any of these average markets ending up at exactly 50% is probably about the same as the chance of all the atoms in my body quantum tunneling through the floor I'm standing on to make me fall through it. With the exception of an average market that no one bets on.
@JosephNoonan you know what you should do? one where the average is weighted by the product of the other 3 markets display probabilities at the same % point in time from close, i.e after scaling their durations.. ok doubt I’d bet on that it would break my excel