Will trump be elected president while NOT incarcerated?
Dec 16

Resolves YES if multiple news outlets call the 2024 election for Trump while Trump is NOT in prison.
Resolves NO if that doesn't happen by 12-15-2024.

The flipped version:

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predicts NO

I don't think 80% of the probability mass of trump winning the election should be in the not-incarcerated state when the overall probability of him being incarcerated by the end of 2024 is ~50%. It'd get the base fired up to 11.

predicts NO

Just to clarify, this never resolves N/A. It’s either yes or no.

I think the question could be rephrased to make it clearer that it’s a conditional

predicts NO

@Khoja It’s a conjunction not a conditional

@JonathanRay Good to know—the description mentions a “flipped conditional,” so I assumed this question was meant to be a conditional as well.