Will a software engineer get a job through the tech hiring startup Otherbranch.com by the end of June?
Jul 2

The founder is a friend of mine – and, as it happens, the former Head of Product for Triplebyte (RIP). She’s now launching Otherbranch, a brand-new company with a similar mission and a few of the same employees. It’s currently in its very early stages: soliciting its first client companies and interviewing software job-seekers to fill out its candidate pool.

In conversations with my friend, she’s set an optimistic goal of placing their first job applicant at a new company by the end of June. As of this writing, she has at least one client looking to make an active hire, so it could definitely happen. This question resolves YES if it’s announced that an Otherbranch client is hiring an Otherbranch applicant by June 30. They don’t have to be literally working there yet, as long as they’ve accepted an offer for employment through Otherbranch’s services.

Employees hired to work for Otherbranch itself don’t count for this market.

Fine print: I like my friend and their startup, hope it succeeds, and want to publicize it. However, I have no financial stake in Otherbranch and am not being paid to advertise them. I don’t work there and have no insider knowledge beyond what my friend chooses to share with me – but in the interest of fairness, I will not bet on this question. The founder is aware of Manifold (and I asked for their approval to make this market) but is not, AFAIK, an active user.

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Must the offer be extended by the end of June? What if a candidate begins the process in June but does not receive an offer until July?

@pzet Seems like offer needs to be accepted within June

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