Will asteriskmag.com still be alive by the end of 2024?


The website must be up, and at least one article must have been published in the last 2 months. (Excluding an article anouncing the end of the site.)

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Still no update to the resolution criteria? 2 months is not a good cut-off...

@ianminds Apologies. Any objections to me changing that to 6 months?

I'd suggest amending your resolution criteria – since asterisk is a quarterly magazine (published every 3 months), it's entirely possible for it to be alive and kicking at the end of 2024 without having published an article in a 2 month window.

came here to say this -- a standard quarterly schedule (January, April, July, October) implies no recent articles at the end of 2024!

Will asteriskmag.com still be alive by the end of 2024?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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