I resolved these markets incorrectly. Did I have the badge at the time? I don't remember.
@BTE Exactly this. There's probably more highly reputable users who have accidentally misresolved than haven't
@jack I think this market is asking the relevant question though. A "trustworthyness" badge should also imply that they're trusted to make sure that they're about to resolve the market correctly. Traders don't really care why a market was resolved incorrectly, they just care that it happened and they lost mana.
@IsaacKing I very strongly believe manifold needs a way for authors to change incorrect resolutions. This would then reduce the problem from what you describe to only needing to be well intentioned and willing to correct mistakes. It also improves many other aspects of the system, e.g. makes capital available to traders again without having to wait unnecessarily.
For a data point, on metaculus resolutions are done by admins and can be corrected, and I have seen quite a large number of corrections, including ones that I don't think the admins could reasonably have avoided.