Can we productively coordinate with people in parallel universes?

One of the questions from

Resolves according to my judgement of whether the criteria have been met, taking into account clarifications from @JacyAnthis, who made those predictions. (The goal is that they'd feel comfortable betting to their credance in this market, so I want the resolution criteria to match their intention.)

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Okay, smart people I respect believe this acausal trade business so I've been hesitant to dismiss it and have tried to wrap my head around why I should give a damn about people in parallel universes.. The best I could do is that acausal decision theory is either...

a) Acausal trade is what you end up believing in if you assign a non negligible likelihood to the simulation hypothesis

b) Acausal trade is an attempt to put a rational grounding underneath some types of kindness and altruism

I'm probably wrong about this. If somebody would please explain to me like I'm a five year old what it is I'm missing (without relying on omniscient beings or simulations or other speculative stuff), I would be in that person's debt.

>how do we test this

Curious what definition of parallel universes you are thinking of @JacyAnthis ? The types I think of (multiverse, many-worlds) do not support meaningful interaction between parallel universes almost by definition.

@jack May be referring to acausal trade with them, which wouldn't require communication.

@IsaacKing Hmm, I suppose that could potentially work, true.

@IsaacKing I often make acausal trades with alternate mes produced through intentional splitting using the "Universe Splitter" app, which uses the results of single-photon interference events to split the universe.