Can Manifold legally add real money gambling?
resolved Jul 6

Real money gambling is legal in many non-US countries. It's also legal in many individual US states.

The problem is that if they make real money betting available to even just one person somewhere in the world, everyone else can sell their mana to that person and it becomes effectivly real-money everywhere.

Maybe that'd be ok as a legal fiction, but probably not. (If it were possible I'd expect e.g. Polymarket to have done it.) But what if they banned the sale of mana from people in areas where it can't be cashed out to people in areas where it can? Or created a separate currency that can influence the probability of the same markets? There might be some way to make it work.

Market resolves subjectivly once I'm reasonably convinced of the answer. I'm making this as a discussion post and a way to gauge a general "vibe" of whether it's doable, rather than as a rigerous prediction. I won't bet.

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I agree with you. I think that Manifold should not add real money gambling. The current setup, where everyone is in it for the love of the game, creates a unique and enjoyable atmosphere. Introducing real money gambling could change the dynamic and potentially take away the fun and community spirit that makes this place special. However, I also believe that real-money prediction markets could be beneficial in other contexts. If you are looking for real money gambling, you can check out real money online casinos presented at

bought Ṁ20 YES

Not really sure what point I’m missing here

@Mich Why do you think you might be missing a point?

@IsaacKing I’d be inclined to think what’s happening with prize points and all that stuff is real-money gambling, but the market isn’t skyrocketing

@Mich Perhaps you assign too much import to the outside view.

Perhaps a little off-topic, but even if it were possible I don't think it would be desirable (for manifold specifically). A lot of what makes this place fun is that ~everyone on here is in it for the love of the game. If people were trading to pay rent I don't think it would be the same thing at all.

There absolutely should be real-money prediction markets though. Ideally ones legal enough and with enough volume that institutional investors would get involved.