When an intervention is widely and credibly reported to cure ageing, I will run a poll asking whether it is sufficient for this poll to resolve. If I am dead then resolution is in the hands of Manifold Markets moderators.
@Alana You get a loan back from Manifold proportional to your locked up money every day, so don't let that stop you
Guess what? Cure for aging is already here!
@AmmonLam From the article: "Considering the average life expectancy in the USA is in the late seventies (it did dip a little bit due to COVID), those five things could add an extra five, 10, or 14 healthy years."
Cancer is also cured -- there are many drugs in development that could add 5, 10, or 14 healthy years! Same for heart disease, diabetes, every disease really.
Definitely before 2100 if we don't get all wiped out in a nuclear war before then, or from overpopulation, or because we couldn't stop climate change from rapidly make most places inhabitable, or because all the researchers, scientists and best doctors migrated to Mars so we won't ever know about it or someone will find a cure for it but they will make the cure illegal somehow to avoid overpopulation.... I'm just rambling