Will resolve based on my own personal opinion. I will try to resolve as truthfully as possible. Of course, I will not bet on this market to avoid conflicts of interest.
I am chock-full of a ton of different issues right now and I would like to see what Manifold thinks. Some issues may not be listed here, either due to my own forgetfulness or unwillingness to talk about it (most likely the former).
-Weight and eating issues
-Self-image issues
-Maybe gender questions? Maybe dysphoria? No clue.
-Bouts of sudden depression late at night
-Immense procrastination (which is what I am doing right now)
-Lack of motivation and energy
-Struggle to develop a genuine passion (i.e. something that I love for the sake of it, not for the sake of receiving approval or something else)
-Multiple addictions (none of which are drugs, smoking, or alcohol, thankfully. All behavioral addictions. I'm trying to kick one as I type this.)
A "change" refers specifically to a significant and positive change, as suggested in the title, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Traders are permitted to add answers to bet on more and more specific predictions, but I ask that new answers be at least similar in form to current answers. I may resolve certain new options that are clearly irrelevant to the question.
When resolving this market, I will list out the changes that I believe were made. Some may be more vague than others for my personal informational safety, but I will try to be as transparent as possible.