Will there be another Falcon 9 launch failure before retirement?

Will the Falcon 9 rocket family experience a launch failure before it is retired?

Failures include any loss of customer or internal payload. Only operational launches or launch attempts will count; test or demo launches with no customer or internal (e.g. Starlink) payload will not be counted. Losses during launch operations leading up to the launch (e.g. AMOS-6) will be included. Falcon Heavy and other possible future derivatives are included. The booster landing(s) need not be successful.

In the event of ambiguity I'll refer to official communications from SpaceX and their customer, FAA statements, this Wikipedia page (or successor pages), reputable press sources, and whether or not there is a halt in launch operations.

Close date will be extended as needed until the rocket family is either retired or experiences a failure.

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Does a loss of payload for reasons other than a failure of the rocket count?
Eg the Zuma mission where it was reported that the Falcon 9 performed perfectly but that the Zuma satellite seemingly failed to separate from the payload adapter and was lost as a result?