Will any party to the treaty formally leave the treaty in 2025? Treaty violations are not included; a country must formally leave the treaty in order to resolve this question Yes. Merely giving notice is not sufficient.
UTC time.
For context, leaving the treaty happens three months after the country gives notice it is leaving.
So for this question to resolve YES, some country that is a Party to the treaty needs to give notice between October this year and September next year.
(Unless there's an actual nuclear war, which voids the Treaty.)
That was clearly null and void under international law. North Korea left three months after their second notification, and their opinion doesn't count.
However, if a State Party announces it is leaving between now and October, and then briefly suspends its denouncement, resuming it after a short period, with the result that the denouncement takes effect in 2025, then that might (strong emphasis on might) count.
How short is "short"? Depends a bit of when the "undenouncement" happens and what happens in the meantime. Three months is clearly way too long. A week might be short enough.