In the year 2024, according to the page below or best substitute, SF will have >320 days of "Good" EPA Air Quality Ratings in the year 2024.
This page tracks AQI in SF https://sfgov.org/scorecards/environment/days-epa-air-quality-index-rating-good
The number of good days in past years has been
2019: 313
2020: 277
2021: 310
It may take some time to resolve this since data lags.
If measurement changes, we will attempt to use the best substitute for the quality being measured at time of market creation. i.e. figure out what the number would have been had standards not changed. We will not use a new or redefined definition of "good" if one were to come into effect.
Hmm, this page says that 2024 EPA standards have changed to make it harder to qualify as a "good" day https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/air-quality-planning/attainment/2024-pm25-annual-standard
That complicated this claim because it is about the actual year over year comparison
Also, deep research says that the EPA is still finalizing the 2024 numbers. Reopening claim
@Ernie the market description says we need to calculate the number of days based on the 2023 standard, which may be hard.. if EPA has taken two months to release the 2024 summaries, will it be possible to recalculate them under the original standard to get the results for this market? I'm doubtful