Will Formula 1 "Go Electric" (Remove Engines) before 2050?

The spirit of this market is to see if by 2050, all Formula 1 contenders have removed Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) from their car.

It would not require a rule, but it would require that all contenders are free from ICE.

Battery Electric -> Resolves positive
Hydrogen Fuelcell -> Resolves positive
Hydrogen engine -> Resolves negative
Biofuel/Efuel into an engine -> Resolves negative

Creating this market as a response to the president of Formula 1 (motor sports group) stating Formula 1 will "never go electric": https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/lifestyle/formula-1-will-never-go-electric-ecclestones-successor

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predicts NO

I think if they did go electric they would probably change the name to something like Formula-E or similar. How would you handle a situation like that ?

@Odoacre There already is a formula-e, so I'd be suprised if they took this route.

If they changed their name, but they were clearly the same entity and didn't fork into different organisations, I would resolve as if it was still named Formula-1.

If they disband, and formula-e becomes the dominant race, I will resolve ambigious.

predicts NO

@ElliotDavies If they disband before going electric, why not NO ?

@Odoacre You're right! It should resolve no in that case.

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