No politician will ever say anything about AI
resolved Oct 22

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This market is misresolved. The biden draft video is fake.

The manifold mods are the dumbest living beings to ever exist.

predicted NO

@EjueWuueuw Please resolve.

@LukeHanks Mark is a troll who created like 50 different accounts; if you want this to be resolved you'll need to get a Manifold admin or trustworthyish user to do it.

bought แน€25 of YES

Politicians aren't capable of referring to objects or concepts because their words have no meaning. They are simply utterances calculated to cause you to vote for them. If they could screech white noise at you that triggers your neurons to fire in a way that makes your hand fill out the ballot favorably, they would do that instead of presenting a policy or hosting debates. And if they seem to talk about AI, that is a statement about the listener not the speaker.

So this market will inevitably resolve YES.

@Mira Mark has been outdone.

bought แน€10 of NO

Please resolve - Biden has already said something about it.

@RobinGreen mods obliterated the account

predicted NO

@DuSusisu OK, so how is this market ever supposed to get resolved? How do we get mods to intervene and resolve this market?

@RobinGreen the mods are legit retards

predicted NO

@DuSusisu So you're Mark. I suspected as much.

@RobinGreen obviously, 90% of the website is me.

Banned accounts can still resolve markets, or at least they used to be able to. Has that changed?

@DuSusisu make sure to ban all my accounts so mods are forced to resolve 100+ markets themselves