What would happen in Minecraft 1.21? [Add answers]
At least 1 new block added after the creation of this question
Raid farms gets broken (by pillagers no longer applying the effect directly)
The Mace gets nerfed
Update gets delayed
Any changes to the Nether dimension
More redstone components are added.
Potion stacking is added (for at least half of the potions)
Villager trade rebalance is released
Copper bulb reverts to having 1 tick delay
Wind charge becomes a new standard for arrow and player cannons

1.21 update is planned to release in 2024. See also:

By "Any changes to the Nether Dimension" I mean literally any changes, including changes to nether mob AI and loot tables

"Wind charge becomes a new standard for arrow and player cannons" - Resolves YES if Minecraft redstone community starts using wind charge based cannons more frequently than tnt ones within 3 month after the update. Must be true for both arrow AND player cannons. NO otherwise

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At least 1 new block added after the creation of this question

@traders a new variant of the Trial Spawner has been added: the Ominous Trial Spawner. I don't know yet if it's just a block variant or it has a unique block ID. So I'll wait until tomorrow to check. If it has it's own ID, the question resolves YES, as it's technically a new block

Result: That's not a new block. No new block IDs yet

Copper bulb reverts to having 1 tick delay
bought Ṁ20 Copper bulb reverts ... NO

Either I'm wrong and I'm happy, or I'm right and I get mana.

@Najawin Hello fellow redstoner 🤝

@CyfralCoot Actually I'm a based 1.7 modpack player. But I keep up with redstone and it was just such a perfect component. Ruined for bedrock parity.

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