Will Manifest have a ball pit?
resolved Sep 24

(not a request, just a market for fun)

Ball pit must be generally available to general attendees to count. It's allowed if someone besides the organizers brings one, as long as attendees are aware of it and able to use it.

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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predicted YES
predicted YES

Has a ball pit arrived? If so, who brought it?

predicted NO

@JosephNoonan 😟😟😟

can someone loan me some mana i want to buy more yes but im poor

What’s happening? Where is the ball pit?!


Free mana for anyone with confidence in manifest security

@Joshua in what?

predicted YES

Only 18%? Come on, you can 2000 mana by doing it

@Shelvacu relevant - "Will a trustworthy.ish user bring a ball pit to Manifest" and "Do trustworthy.ish users break rules more often than the average user?"

predicted NO

@Shelvacu oh thank god

predicted YES

You fools, this is just insider trading so Saul can bring the ball pit himself and take all this mana!

predicted NO

@firstuserhere to note: i’m not “trustworthy-ish.”

@Joshua to note: i’ll send you all my mana and tweet “i’m a liar” if i don’t, in good spirit, tell the security guards not to let ball pits in (unless i get overruled by @SirSalty , @Austin , @Sinclair , or someone else, or something else reasonable happens, like i get really sick or something. i’m happy to let a trustworthy-ish user who doesn’t have a stake be an arbiter.)

@Shelvacu glad you found that, i put that there as a lil easter egg :D

predicted NO

@saulmunn oop forgot the middle comment LMAO sorry joshua one sec

predicted NO

Comments are being very glitchy today haha, lots of them vanishing or not having edits show up

predicted NO

Ah, excellent.

@Conflux can you clarify what "available to attendees" means? What if someone sneaks a ball pit into their hotel room in RGI and it is available to them and their significant other. Does that resolve yes, or does it have to be out openly on the conference floor? Or what if someone has a ballpit just outside the convention, where the security has no power?

@Joshua Oh, sure. “Attendees” means attendees generally. You and I should be allowed to use it if we were at Manifest at the right place and time.

If it’s in a hotel room and the owners of the room say anyone can come in and use it…I’d have to think about it. Certainly it’d have to be a room at the Rose Garden Inn near the rest of Manifest. I’m inclined to say that should count?

predicted NO

Seems reasonable to me. I will not be spending 4000 mana filling the limit order, then.