Will Sir Cryptomind become a Manifold Partner Creator on or before June 30, 2024?
resolved Feb 28

In my limited experience, @SirCryptomind appears to be thoughtful, sincere and helpful creating many good markets. As will happen in social situations, someone quit, or threatened to, but if like me you forgot to pay attention to every Manifold moment during these 48 hours, they unquit and we are now all hunky dory. I don’t take sides, I missed the whole thing, just my balance was temporarily confusing because some markets I forgot I bet in were N/A then reopened.

Your guess on where Manifold Partner Creator Program is going is as good as mine but seems like good idea.

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I think it is extremely likely, because he is already announced as being part of the program.

@Eliza Where is this announcement? I don’t see it has been pushed to me.

Or are we back to “We want to grow active users” v “Hi all it’s so random but doesn’t matter.”

@Eliza Thanks! Tl;dr but I’ll trust you.

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