Will an article with reliable evidence of Putin having a debilitating illness (e.g. cancer or parkinson's) be published by July 2023?
resolved Jul 6

An article came out in The U.S. Sun on November 1st, 2022 claiming that a source in the Kremlin has verified that Putin has Parkinson's disease. The article also claimed that there are rumors that Putin has prostate cancer as well. This is not sufficient evidence that Putin actually has Parkinson's or Cancer, however an article in NPR, The Economist, the BBC, or Reuters claiming that Putin has one of these disease would resolve this market "yes".

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Based on https://www.rootclaim.com/analysis/putin-cancer, I think this market is currently over-priced.

Will an article with reliable evidence of Putin having a debilitating illness (e.g. cancer or parkinson's) be published by July 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition