Will Yann LeCun insult a respected AI researcher on Twitter (X) in 2023?
resolved Nov 1

Resolves yes if Yann LeCun insults a respected AI researcher on Twitter (X) in 2023 but after creation of this market.

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I am very inclined to count this approving repost/quote of clear insults against Bengio and Hinton amongst others. Does anyone have convincing arguments against?


predicted YES

@CertaintyOfVictory Since this seems not to be the case for the past 6 hours I will resolve now.

predicted YES

Fyi: If he said that not about Rishi Sunak but about a respected AI researcher that would count. Saying someones honest, nuanced and well founded assessment of the reality is a disease and a mental disorder is definitely an insult.


Would the extreme shade on Dan Hendrycks’ religious upbringing, which implied his thinking about x-risk was tainted, count for the purposes of this market if it had been done after market creation?

predicted YES

@AdriaGarrigaAlonso No, but any less implicit and I think it would have counted.

Can we get guidelines on what insult means here?

lol what counts as “respected”? with high probability gary will be insulted, but i don’t think that should resolve this market

bought Ṁ20 of YES

@jstn With respected I mean someone who does academic research on AI/ML in contrast to e.g. a twitter bro with Twitter Blue who is claiming he is an "AI expert" tweeting "THIS IS THE LAST GPT GUIDE YOU'LL EVER NEED TO READ".

@jstn Out of curiosity, why would Gary (Marcus) not count? Other than maybe because he started it, I guess.

@AndrewHartman He isn’t a respected AI researcher :) Not only has he had inconsistent theses, but he hasn’t published any rigorous research and mostly rides the ai (de)hype train. At best he’s a popsci ai blogger, at worst he’s similar to the gpt wrapper bros described above. That being said, I greatly respect his ability to grift.