[Experimental]: BTE Guessing Game
BTE knows multiple programming languages.
You own a home
Took referral bonus from atleast 3 alts on Manifold
At resolution, you aren't subscribed to Manifold Markets channel in Telegram
@BTE sleeps for less than 7 hours a night (median)
BTE knows multiple languages (human languages only, not programming languages).
BTE believes that this option is false.
Has a fun club
You feel like Manifold "Home" page feed is broken
You have gone 2 nights in a row without sleeping
You feel like Manifold "Home" page would be better off displaying some older markets
There's at least 1 pet on the bed sleeping with you at night
Before seeing this option, you'd noticed that "About" page is now only one screen in height
Sleeps with at least two but as many as six people every night
You Identify as an effective altruist (EA)
Took referral bonus from atleast 4 alts on Manifold
Believes there is actually something to horoscopes.
You frequent the Iron Pit
I free solo on the weekends
You think using Manifold is a waste of time

Shout out to @firstuserhere and @evergreenemily for the inspiration.

Here's how this works:

  • Anyone can submit a free response option in the form of a guess that they have about me. It can be about anything - guesses about my music taste, my research interests, my sleep habits, etc.

  • Try to guess something that's not already known about me. I will N/A really obvious attempts to "predict" known stuff.

  • If I don't feel comfortable answering the question in a public space like Manifold, I'll resolve the option to N/A.

  • Otherwise, I'll resolve to YES if the guess was right, NO if the guess was wrong, and 50% if it was partly right and partly wrong.

  • Between the option being submitted and me actually seeing and resolving it, you (and other traders) can spend mana to try to make a profit. If you're confident in a guess, buy YES - if you think someone has it wrong, buy NO. For obvious reasons, I won't bet on the options before resolving then.

    • I will generally wait for 2 or more people to make a trade, partly so that users get some trader bonuses, and so that people can converge on an opinion maybe

  • This continues indefinitely, because the market doesn't close when I resolve an individual option.

Have at it!

Thanks to @evergreenemily for this market idea. You can find her original market here

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You frequent the Iron Pit

Oh this is a local gym? Hmmm.

So... do you even lift bro?

I will reimburse anyone who adds a guess!!

bought แน€10 of Believes there is ac... NO

@BTE I just spent minutes scrolling through "new" markets, and I have to say, thank goodness for BTE making markets!!!

You Identify as an effective altruist (EA)

Not actually sure if this if this is already known. If it is- oops, sorry.

@BTE sleeps for less than 7 hours a night (median)

I would say yes probably like 6 hours a night.

You have gone 2 nights in a row without sleeping


Took referral bonus from atleast 3 alts on Manifold

Yes all of them I think. That was ages ago though.

BTE will be the top market creator on manifold at some point before 2023 ends

resolves yes! @BTE

You think using Manifold is a waste of time

If that is true I must not value my time very much ๐Ÿคฃ


Took referral bonus from at-least one of his alts on Manifold


BTE has more than one cat

Yep. Rod Carew above, Peanut and Fermi below.

@BTE Adorable