Will someone find the prime factorization of 16897109706033993078958669711431623113336960390130790291952190682156502379461621 (80 digits) in a week?
resolved Dec 29

Resolve to Yes if someone found the prime factorization and typed it out in the comment

15 digits number

16 digits number

18 digits number
20 digits number
30 digits number
40 digits number

60 digits number

80 digits number

100 digits number

120 digits number

140 digits number

[Edit: @CollectedOverSpread was awarded the Manifold prime factorization master award with 1000 Mana prize for being the first person to factorize the 80 digits number]

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bought Ṁ50 of YES

The 60-digit semiprime took less than 10 seconds to factor using FlintQS on my modestly-powered laptop so I'm almost certain this will be done.

predicted YES

7897895152913851695161953909205232453323 × 2139444672141534899248928056125416075327

@CollectedOverSpread incredible. Onward to 100, 120 and 140 digits

bought Ṁ175 of YES

For future reference, the 80-digit factorization took less than 10 minutes by my recollection. I assume this is consistent with the computational complexity of the quadratic sieve which this program uses.

predicted NO

@CollectedOverSpread I'm glad I didn't bribe Ammon to give me the answer 😆