Will someone find the prime factorization of the 120 digits number in a week?
resolved Dec 31

The target 120 digits number: 294661301451572384391985616265162229585835997481330220940738843501659250522016271909090160625744196237738744965491423721

Resolve to Yes if someone found the prime factorization and typed it out in the comment

15 digits number

16 digits number

18 digits number
20 digits number
30 digits number
40 digits number

60 digits number

80 digits number

100 digits number

120 digits number

140 digits number

##I will give out the Manifold prime factorization master award with a 1000 Mana prize to the first person who solved the prime factorization of the 140 digits number##

@CollectedOverSpread was awarded the Manifold prime factorization master award with a 1000 Mana prize for being the first person to factorize the 80 digits number

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bought Ṁ100 of YES

@NeonNuke Did you actually used Wolfram Alpha to compute the solution?

predicted YES

@AmmonLam No that was just to check it.

predicted NO

what did you use to compute it?

sold Ṁ210 of YES


bought Ṁ200 of YES

If I had factored this, should I publish the factors immediately or should I wait until the last moment in case someone buys NO so I can buy more YES? 🤔

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@Lorenzo I just bought some NO you can reveal them now

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@levifinkelstein It was initially a silly attempt at market manipulation to make people buy YES and sell, but I'm now actually factoring it since it's easier than I expected.
It should take about an hour

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@Lorenzo I just bought some more NO to incentivize you to keep going 🥰

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@levifinkelstein Mine took longer than an hour, but you might have access to more compute than me. Factored it using my laptop's cpu.

sold Ṁ339 of YES

This is turning out to be much more difficult than expected.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

on 'program i downloaded from some forum #3' and no luck