Will someone find the prime factorization of the 100 digits number in a week?
resolved Dec 29

The target 100 digits number: 2355738158515385839147701812774845404114918699462667905654327054269530479457466909892777282769504549

Resolve to Yes if someone found the prime factorization and typed it out in the comment

15 digits number

16 digits number

18 digits number
20 digits number
30 digits number
40 digits number

60 digits number

80 digits number

100 digits number

120 digits number

140 digits number

##I will give out the Manifold prime factorization master award with a 1000 Mana prize to the first person who solved the prime factorization of the 140 digits number##

@CollectedOverSpread was awarded the Manifold prime factorization master award with a 1000 Mana prize for being the first person to factorize the 80 digits number

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