Yandere Simulator is a video game that has been under development since 2014 and is being worked on by developer YandereDev. The game is structured in a series of "rivals" (nonplayable adverseries in the game). The final game is planned to include ten rivals. As of June 2024, the latest published build of Yandere Simulator includes two rivals.
For technological singularity to be considered to have occured, see this other market of a similar nature.
For Yandere Simulator to be considered finished, a game containing at least eight rivals must be published and must clearly be marked as finished by YandereDev. In addition, the two already published rivals must be included in the game, and the entire game must have around the same (or higher) quality of gameplay as the latest build that contains two characters (as of June 2024).
The following points describe how this market could resolve YES or NO without either the technological singularity happening or Yandere Simulator being finished:
For the purposes of this market, the technological singularity will be assumed to eventually occur, so if any of the following events (that indicate that the game is likely to be never finished) happen, the market will resolve YES:
YandereDev says he will permanently stop working on the game, and he says nothing that contradicts this for two years.
YandereDev dies according to a reputable source, and no person is announced to be officially responsible for the project for two years (If a new person does become responsible for the project, replace YandereDev in this market description with the new developer to get the updated criteria).
YandereDev stops giving any updates on the game for five years.
If YandereDev becomes immortal by any means (including uploading his brain into a computer or similar) before the technological singularity happens, this market will resolve YES if neither Yandere Simulator is finished nor has the technological singularity occurred by EOY 3024.