Short-Term AI #6: By the end of June 2023, will there be compression algorithm for large language models that achieves a 4:3 compression ratio?
resolved May 22

Meaning an algorithm that can take an LLM as input and out a new language model with <=75% of the original model's parameters (and comparable performance, of course).

Must actually be demonstrated to work on a non-specialized language model with >=10B parameters (e.g. by downloading an open source foundation model and compressing that)

If there already is such an algorithm and I just don't know about it market will still resolve YES.

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Resolving YES based on SparseGPT. The 2:4 sparse version achieves the desired compression ratio and comparable accuracy to OPT-175B. The 50% sparsity version may also resolve it, but they do not actually evaluate it in terms of compression ratio (or GPU performance, which they should have). Thanks to @ampdot for linking the paper.

(Note for posterity that I am using the actual on-disk compression ratio to resolve the market, not the sparsity ratio which is generally going to be different).

predicted YES

Please resolve YES.

@ampdot I will not resolve YES based solely on perplexity results, and I have not had time to review the other results yet.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Paper finds larger models are more compressible. Perplexity only increases by 0.36 for OPT-175B while reducing weights by 50%.

Ditto for WikiText, no significant difference:

predicted YES 50% reduction in number of weights

What about the 4bit stuff people are using to run llama on with half the Vram?

predicted YES

I take it LLM.int8() doesn't count? you're looking for parameter reduction, presumably in addition to int8?

Short-Term AI #6: By the end of June 2023, will there be compression algorithm for large language models that achieves a 4:3 compression ratio?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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