@vibhav once someone is the nominee, they're rarely given a second chance if they lose. Trump is the exception here, but see Clinton, Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, Bush, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, etc. Nixon was the last exception, but there's a strong prior in both parties for not bringing back a losing candidate.
@PlasmaBallin Ah, thank you. I was missing the distinction between "natural-born" and "naturalized".
@PlasmaBallin Cenk Uygur "ran" in 2024 despite being born in Turkey and is at 34% here.
Not sure the resolution criteria
@ChinmayTheMathGuy Good point, I guess you technically don't have to eligible to become president in order to run
@mattyb i think i will still count her and cenk because some states dont test for this until after the primary, and eligibility vs being able to accept the office are two different things. Technically it is still possible for them to get on a few ballots and even get some votes, judging by cenk so far.
also i am inclined to accept campaigns that are known to be doomed from the start , as in Vermin Supreme's, as long as they put some effort in (by my judgement)