Will more than five people be killed by bears in North America in 2022?
resolved Jan 1
This market will resolve positively (but sadly) if six or more people are killed by bears in North America in 2022. Resolution date is January 1, 2023. Statistics on bear attacks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America#2020s Feb 11, 2:18pm: FYI indirect kills do not count. Close date updated to 2022-12-30 11:59 pm Close date updated to 2022-12-31 11:59 pm
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bought Ṁ30 of NO

In the 2010s, there were 10 total fatal attacks in the months September, October, November and December. Assuming that attacks are independent and taking a uniform prior over the hazard rate, I obtain a probability of 0.85% that there will be four or more fatal attacks the rest of this year.

The independence assumption is not quite right. Of 93 fatal attacks since 1990, 6 (6.5%) resulted in two fatalities. My model gives probabilities of 7.5% and 19.1% for 3 and 2 fatal attacks in the rest of this year, respectively. Taking the 6.5% number at face value, the probability that at least one of 3 fatal attacks will result in a double fatality is 18.3%. The probability that both of 2 fatal attacks will result in double fatalities is 12.6%.

Neglecting the possibility of a quadruple fatality, I arrive at a probability of 4.6% that there will be four or more fatalities in the rest of this year.

bought Ṁ1 of YES
A second death occurred last week in Alaska.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
I have decided to reopen this question for the entirety of the year. Unfortunately the first incident of 2022 occurred last week in Montana.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Indirect kills do not count. Using that Wiki-page as the resolution criteria although I'll dig a level deeper just to make sure it's not missing anything glaring.