GOES 19 becomes Operational East before first 2024 US ATL/GulfCoast landfalling Hurricane?
resolved Jul 8


Resolves when either criteria happens first:

Resolves Yes criteria:

When GOES 19 becomes operational East (when GOES 19 takes over GOES 16 duties) resolves to OSPO: https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/GOES/status.html

Specifically “GOES Operational Status“ table should have GOES 19 “Status” column as “Operational East”. This will only resolve NO immediately if the satellite becomes unrecoverable or the mission is scrapped ( the GOES U satellite becomes definitively unusable and unrecoverable, per authoritative sources).

Resolves No criteria:

When the first US 2024 landfalling hurricane occurs on the Atlantic or Gulf Coast: this criteria will (ideally) resolve per NHC TC advisories/discussion. Note: this refers to intensity of storm AT the time of landfall and not necessarily the advisory prior to landfall. The hurricane must make landfall on either states on the Gulf Coast (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_Coast_of_the_United_States) or the East Coast (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Coast_of_the_United_States).

Edge cases:

This question concerns the location of landfall not genesis, so as for the rare case when a storm crosses from the Eastern Pacific, so long as the hurricane landfalls in the US not along the western coast ( Gulf of Mexico / Atlantic coast ) this will count (regardless of where it became a hurricane).

If there is some reasonable question as to the intensity/timing/location at landfall (in absence of explicit, confirmatory NOAA information) it will resolve to my best judgment (to be based on e.g., available model reanalysis data and if necessary simple estimations); I will not wait for best track reports.

If for some reason neither the GOES-U satellite launches nor is there such a landfalling hurricane per the criteria in 2024, this question will be extended into the next year (i.e. first 2025 hurricane .. etc).

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With Hurricane Beryl’s landfall as a Cat.1 hurricane in Texas this morning and with GOES 16 still operational East, this resolves NO.

Goes-East watching its replacement being launched.
