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Zoro gonnna take out the Gandhi gorosei watch

bought Ṁ15 BUY

Genag is a goofy bozo

bought Ṁ60 BUY

Zoro gonna be toptier by the end of the arc

bought Ṁ250 BUY

Zoro Stock will shoot up by the end of egghead.

bought Ṁ105 BUY

Buy low sell high both oda and toei love zoro

bought Ṁ100 BUY

comments r low

As of Ch. 1107, Zoro is STILL stalling Lucci...

The Zoro agenda is in the mud bro 😭

bought Ṁ50 BUY

@FlintandStone buy low, sell high. Im investing in zoro since he’s doing terrible rn

@FlintandStone lol, Zoro 1 shot Lucci, Zoro was just bored..

bought Ṁ400 of BUY

1062 made bro skyrocket

predicts BUY

just waiting for the zoro stocks boost after ep 1062


@PublicGames This Ṁ30 bet took the stock from ~200 down to ~40?

bought Ṁ100 of BUY

investing in zoro is just common sense tbh

Tbh just for egghead what he really gonna do? I’d doubt he’d fight kizaru or be food for kizaru