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Luffy can't hurt Saturn

im curious how much the pizza slap and spin actually hurt lmao

bought Ṁ435 of BUY

Saturn just winked at Sanji and no diffed🤣 GOROSEI ARE JUST THEM ESPECIALLY VENUS

Ethan V Nusjuro>Mihawk

I will not bet on the devil.

bought Ṁ100 of BUY


predicts BUY

Satanic rituals are required to summon them

bought Ṁ50 of BUY

skyrocketing tomorrow when 1095

bought Ṁ100 of BUY

Mark my words gorosei agenda boutta SKYROCKET when 1086 drops

bought Ṁ141 of BUY

@FlintandStoneFlintandSton Spoilers already out

Confirmed W

bought Ṁ100 of BUY

possibly a full roster of mythical zoans. invest before return to egghead

predicts BUY

@KingofShit called it lmao. Cheap af rn and will prob just continue going down until it plummets in egghead

bought Ṁ60 of SHORT

These fossils finna have a heart attack before get a fight, not putting a single cent for gorosei agenda rising

bought Ṁ50 of BUY

@Mrmike7 Aged like milk, no one can compete with my man God Warrior Saint Topman Valkyrie