Will President Bazoum of Niger be released from detainment and still be president by August 26th 2023?
resolved Aug 29
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@KevinKwok7fb0 , What if there is a prison breakout and he regains his position with outside help. In other words he is not 'released'? I didn't have that on my bingo card...

@parhizj I too am learning the edge cases of structuring a manifold market heh. I am open to others thoughts. I think that he needs to be de facto in control of the government. There can still be rival dissident factions. But he needs to be the primary person running the country for this market to resolve YES.

So he can escape detainment via external force and have it still resolve yes. But if he escapes via say French help. But is not in control of the country by end date, the market should still resolve NO.

Does he need to be president de-facto or de-jure?

@AlexbGoode I think de facto. Like he cannot be detained but intl community says he is still president.

@KevinKwok7fb0 Yeah this was exactly my question. Because it might take longer for the international community to recognize a new government.