Will any blockchain game surpass 1 million MAUs in terms of its on-chain activity in 2023?
resolved Dec 22

For reference, the current most popular blockchain games -- Alien Worlds -- has around 300,000 MAUs as per DappRadar


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Is there an assumption that a user = an address? User metrics are very game-able and projects have the incentive to distort numbers on the upside. Is there a methodology that will account for this or are we just going off of headline numbers?

predicted YES

@DennyPeng We don't need any assumptions, question's resolution criteria is clear. In description Alien World's 300K from Dappradar is referred to as MAU. The number from the same column of the same Dappradar is now more than 1M for another game. Can't see reason to call it anything else than MAU.

predicted NO

DappRadar using UAW (unique active wallets), so the answer is yes we are assuming a wallet = user. Wasn’t clear that DappRadar is the resolution criteria, it just lists it as an example.

predicted YES

@DennyPeng I agree in principle, it is hard to pin down exact numbers, number of wallets may not coincide with number of users, etc. However, if questions description makes an example using Dappradar's UAW as MAU, it is reasonable to expect that the same will be done with resolution.

predicted NO

@papa Got it, appreciate the clarification!

predicted YES

@papa What is to be done? The author does not seem active.

predicted YES

@Emanuele676 Not quite sure what the issue is here. The market ends 31 Dec 2023 and will be closed then!

predicted YES

@jonjordanc3f0 The problem is what just happened, changing the criteria of a market while it is in progress. A problem for those who will lose mana on it unnecessarily. (and you made me lose a fifth of the mana I was supposed to borrow lol)

predicted YES

resolve pls

@jonjordanc3f0 Is it enough to resolve the market?

@Emanuele98 I think so

predicted YES

@jonjordanc3f0 Please resolve

predicted YES

@Emanuele676 I will wait until the end of month to give DappRadar time in case it restates this activity due to bots, which it sometimes does. Be patient.

predicted YES

@jonjordanc3f0 Can you at least close it on December 31 or at least right after that (but I remember it's New Year's Eve), so that it will be valid for this month? Also because we are at three that are over a million.

predicted YES

@jonjordanc3f0 Three weeks have passed and it has exceeded two million. It is unlikely to happen, but it would be preferable to resolve, also to avoid that (which is unlikely) the average falls and we have to hand-calculate the previous peak.