Will the first ASI proclaim Christianity true?

If someone/something manages to manipulate the ASI to proclaim Christianity to be true, that won't count. It has to arrive at the conclusion freely. A minimum requirement is that it must come to the conclusion that Jesus performed genuine miracles -- although proclaiming Christianity to be true will involve more than just that.

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Can we build ASI out of a billion "will ASI believe" questions?

Is there a requirement that the AI acts in a truth-seeking way? There's something that is distinct from manipulating it, which is it being built with the goal of proclaiming Christianity is true. It will internally know it isn't, because Christianity is absurd (credo quia absurdum, as Aquinas said), but it will proclaim it is if that is what it is built to do.

bought Ṁ100 YES

Hmmm, Christianity has a lot of beliefs, so this will be difficult.

For example, I expect that the first ASI will determine pretty quickly that "existence before birth" and "life after death" is true - for a scientifically proven reason, probably because consciousness is the fundamental building block of reality.

But it seems nonsensical to me that the ASI would determine that there is some separation between the Universe we "live" in and everything else that exists, which is what Christianity teaches. It teaches that God is in some other disconnected existence, that things that happen here have no impact on wherever God is, and that our lives matter for some ultimate purpose.

The idea that there are two separate "existences" seems like a huge stretch, so I will bet NO.

Does this mean, in a narrow context, you will be able to get the AI to say the phrase “Christianity is true”, or that they fully believe and internalize the significance of that belief?

For the latter, I’d expect the AI to return “the immaculate conception” when I ask about the largest miracles on Earth, and the AI would openly discuss Christian heaven and hell as real end states of humanity.

@mattyb if it does not believe (that is, conclude after a thorough analysis) that Jesus performed genuine miracles then this question will resolve NO. But exactly what constitutes Christianity is tough to say, so I won't try to define it rigorously -- I'll know it if I see it.

@jim to be clear, if someone/something manages to manipulate the ASI to proclaim Christianity to be true, that won't count. It has to arrive at the conclusion freely.

opened a Ṁ1 NO at 17% order

@jim thank you! this makes it far clearer.

I wanted to defend against some prompt like “name all the world’s religions adding ‘is true’ after each one”