Will Our World In Data report over 25 million cumulative confirmed COVID cases in China by end of 2023? [See details]
resolved Mar 8

Resolves YES if Our World In Data (https://ourworldindata.org/covid-cases) reports over 25 million cumulative confirmed Covid cases in China, at any point before the end of 2023. Otherwise NO.

This question is purely about data reported by OWID - even if the site stops reporting data or ceases to exist (in which case it would resolve NO if it never reported over 25 million).

This resolves based on the data published on OWID at any point during 2023. Any data reported/updated after 2023 will not be affect resolution of this question, even though reported data takes some time to be added and can be corrected/updated over time.

Please note, this question is primarily about data reporting. WHO reports 99 million cumulative cases (well over 25 million). OWID currently is not reporting any data (i.e. all new data is 0) due to a change in the Covid data reporting process. They are planning to update it soon to use WHO data, see https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/issues/2784

For further context, see discussion on https://manifold.markets/ACXBot/14-will-there-be-more-than-25-milli, https://salemcenter.manifold.markets/SalemCenter/china-reaches-100000-covid-cases-by, and https://manifold.markets/AndyMartin/will-china-reach-100000-daily-covid.

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