If Russia first detonates a nuclear weapon non-offensively in 2022, will Russia detonate a nuclear weapon offensively within 1 month?
resolved Jan 3

This question aims to forecast the likelihood of escalation from a Russian nuclear test or demonstration detonation to an offensive detonation.


If Russia detonates a nuclear weapon non-offensively in 2022 and their first nuclear detonation is non-offensive, then resolves as follows:

  • Resolves YES if within one month of the first (non-offensive) detonation, Russia detonates a nuclear weapon offensively. Resolves NO after 1 month.

If this condition does not take place, resolves N/A. (Note that if the first Russian detonation is offensive, that resolves N/A.)



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See https://manifold.markets/post/nuclear-risk-forecasting for a dashboard of other nuclear risk questions along with commentary and analysis

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