Will the writers and actors strikes both end before November 2023?
resolved Nov 2

This concerns the 2023 Writers Guild and SAG-AFTRA strikes. The question will resolve to "Yes" if both strikes end before November 1, 2023. Strikes are considered to end when union members pass a vote to end the strike.


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predicted YES

Will the writers and actors strikes both end before November 2023? --> This is the description and it implies November 30th 2023 and not November 1 -- In all flavors of English.

The author of this market is highly incompetent or dishonest.

predicted NO

@RajD how does “before november” imply november 30th to you?? also, read the description

predicted NO

@RajD common issue. Sometimes "before 2024" means end of 2023 sometimes not. Using other terms helps.

predicted NO

@RajD I'd say that the plain meaning of "Before X date" means that it closes and resolves based on a date which is before X starts (in this case, that would be 2023-10-31 23:59:59). In any case, the description and the close date should have resolved any perceived ambiguity.

predicted YES

@RajD seriously? Before Nov means 10/31 and the description clearly states that. Questioning is one thing, accusations of incompetence or dishonesty are another. You owe an apology.

predicted NO

@SuperTaxGenius My most generous read here is that RajD is not a native speaker of English or else RajD misread the words "...end before November..." as "..before the end of November...". Either way, though, it's a reading comprehension error rather than an actual problem with the phrasing of the question.

predicted YES


Ok Folks. Sorry My bad. I made a mistake

Just for everybody's information: it took 12 days between when the leadership of the WGA agreed to end the strike and when the union officially voted to end it. There’s no chance SAG-AFRA can organize a vote in such a short amount of time

What is the difference between this market and the linked market...?

predicted NO

@BDStraw probably just that nobody thought to arbitrage them

predicted NO

Official end of the strike could be different from announcement of an agreement? But yeah they should be closer.

predicted YES

@Joshua I guess it could be different... But it's not like the question says "will the picket lines disperse and will actors be on set prior to 11/1"... wild that a market with 174 traders could have this much arb opportunity!

@BDStraw Yeah but this market says "Strikes are considered to end when union members pass a vote to end the strike." That will presumably take a while to organize. even if they come to an agreement this weekend or monday it might take a while for a vote to be held. I don't know though.

To be sure that both strikes will be over before November, it is essential to use some data to support the bet. The following is part of what should be considered:

predicted NO

@CamilaHennessey is this from ChatGPT?