Will the Hu.ma.ne AI PIN create a significant (+25%) increase in valuation of the company by June, 2024?
Jun 2

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Current market evaluation according to Google (willing to change this to a better source):

"The startup has raised $230 million in funding, including $100 million announced in March reportedly valuing it at $850 million."

So if by June, 2024 the Market Evaluation is 850 Million + .25 x 850 Million (1,062,500,000) then the Yes votes will win.

where will valuation be obtained from?

@FabianMontero Current plan is to google "humane market evaluation".

@iansaintlawrence I would feel more confident betting if you specify the website or source from which you will obtain the valuation. maybe something like https://pitchbook.com/profiles/company/327321-91