Will I manage to reach candidate master on codeforces before summer is over?
resolved Aug 31

I am currently low expert on codeforces. I intend to do most of the div2 contests this summer, and also do some problems on CSES to learn more about graph algorithms and maths / number theory stuff.

Resolves YES if I manage to be ranked candidate master at some point between now and august31.

edit: I am retarded, I just lost so much rank. I will try to do 1 codeforces problem every day from now on, until I stop being a drooling moron idiot.

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If anyone bullies me I will report them to @DavidChee . @jacksonpolack gets a pass because he did it before I made this message.

bought Ṁ300 of NO

Just to check, is your Codeforces username Hmys (https://codeforces.com/profile/Hmys)? (This would be nice to include in the description)

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predicted YES

@hmys I'm gonna do it. Literally trivial to get CM on caodeforcess. I am a algorithmic genius hitherto unseen by our generation. My true skills is in the grandmasters level. Only risk is I win too much and my rank jumps straight from 1400 to 2500