Will @BTE overtake Isaac King on the top creators of all time leaderboard in 2023?
resolved Nov 7

Isaac is currently #1, BTE #3

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Resolves to YES based on the current leaderboard state, screenshot below

bought αΉ€1,000 of YES

predicted YES

Hey do we still get unused subsidies back when market is resolved?

Edit: Asking because I'm planning on subsidizing this market if it goes on for longer

@firstuserhere IIRC, a subsidy that is purchased but not applied on a multiple choice market will not be refunded.

In a binary market your unapplied subsidy would be refunded, but I believe it is only at the percentage of the overall subsidy return. So you might still lose a little bit depending on its size compared to all the other subsidy on the market.

The fee you pay on a subsidy will not be refunded.

And AFAIK, an unused boost is also not refunded.

bought αΉ€0 of NO

@BTE You've been intermittently betting up to 60% or above, so I've put up a large limit order at 58% for you.

bought αΉ€100 of YES

@IsaacKing Funny I was gonna say the same thing to you about my limit at 41!

bought αΉ€204 of NO

@BTE How about we meet in the middle at 50%?

predicted YES

@BTE 41! Is so incredibly large

bought αΉ€50 of YES
predicted YES

Do I get 7000 free bot bets added to my total to even it up?

predicted YES

@BTE Actually Bots aren’t even counted anymore toward uniques.

bought αΉ€0 of NO

@BTE You still have your badge, we can call it even.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing Fair enough.

predicted YES
predicted YES

@Joshua I am on a mission. I was at the top of the list for like 24 hours before memestiny joined and rocketed past us. Then Isaac’s shenanigans leapfrogged us both. I will be king of the hill again!!!

predicted YES

@Joshua Who is Godzilla and who is Kong? @IsaacKing

predicted YES

I leave that up to you guys πŸ˜‚

predicted NO

I wanna be the lizard, that's way cooler than a monkey.

bought αΉ€50 of YES

@IsaacKing I was hoping you would say that!

bought αΉ€100 of YES

@IsaacKing This is going to happen. I am getting 1000 traders every few days now.

predicted NO

@BTE Did a specific market group get popular or something?

bought αΉ€65 of YES

@IsaacKing No not really. It seems like there are just more engaged users since manifest. I have never had any of my markets get more than 500 traders actually, which is kinda surprising considering how many traders I have total.

predicted YES

Feeling much less confident about this now that Isaac is back.