Will Destiny be violently killed in the first week of 2023?
resolved Jan 6

Steven Kenneth Bonnell II, known online as Destiny, has many enemies. If he does not change his behaviour, he might end up being killed. I don't watch his stream for the games, so I often don't understand why, but I saw him die quite often. But it seems like Destiny is not innocent in his conflicts, I saw him kill a lot, too.

Just like jesus, if Destiny is raised from the dead, he still died, he just did it for different reasons, probably.

For this market to resolve YES, I will need proof, so please post a clip or a link to the stream with a timecode of him being killed. In the event Destiny dies in real life, this market will resolve to N/A.

I might be off the internet for a bit, so sorry if I don't answer to questions immediately.

(First week of 2023: Monday, January 2, 2023 -> January 8, 2023)

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predicted NO

Nice scam. You even resolved it before the end of the first week.

predicted YES

@lildazeez_ yeah because he died lol. you kinda cant undie unless you invented time travel.

predicted YES
predicted NO

lol what the fuck is this rigged shit.

predicted YES

Imagine thinking he wouldn't die 💀

predicted NO

I can't believe this dumb fuck died. Hes colluding with the market makers. It's robinhood all over again. STOP THE STEAL.

Ok I'm closing this one. I'm afraid some of the NO people might kill Steven IRL to get their money back. You disgust me.

predicted NO

@enemel Kinda fucked. I specifically asked for clarification at the beginning of this thread, and you refused to provide one clarifying that "violently killed" refers to characters dying in a video game. Especially given that any reasonable interpretation of the words/statements you made would resolve the market NO.

predicted NO

@Jacknaut This market was a humorous language trick, and I think “he died in a video game” was the only reasonable interpretation. (I bet “NO” because I assumed by this point in the game he could survive a Factorio train.) You may not like or be used to that phrase, but it’s hard to reconcile any other reading with “In the event Destiny dies in real life, this market will resolve to N/A.”

predicted NO

@yaboi69 I know. Was aware of the possibility and not salty. I'm parodying one of his other comments with the "kinda fucked" part, and my only disappointed that a market whose entire premise is humourous language tricks is also not open to counter humorous language tricks and resolves immediately.

@Jacknaut I was wondering if it was a reference to that but I wrote "kind of fucked" so I thought it was a coincidence. I actually feel bad how I treated you, but I think I had to resolve to YES. My proposal is that you create the market for next week and I'll endorse it here. That could make up for your loss.

predicted NO

@enemel All good, no problem, didn't invest that much into it.

predicted YES

Destiny is the one controlling the character. A difference of name does not magically make it a new character. Besides by that logic, a character even named Destiny would not count as it is not Steven's actual name.

@Jacknaut 's argument is insane copium of trying to weasel his way out of his bad bet. @enemel we have evidence of destiny playing a character dying on stream.

predicted NO

This post is about whether Destiny will be violently killed. Destiny was not "violently killed", The character "NeoDestiny" was killed in the video game factorio, sure, but this is not Destiny, and the OP @enemel made it clear also that he does not watch Destiny's stream for the games.

hmm, that makes a lot of sense, thanks for clarifying. So it means that Destiny still might be killed, but for now there is no evidence of that?

predicted NO

@Jacknaut Sure, it's certaily possible that "Steven Kenneth Bonnell II, known online as Destiny, [who] has many enemies" dies IRL and this resolves to N/A, or there's some other reasonable interpretation to the words "violently killed" that refer to Steven Kenneth Bonnell II / Destiny, but I'm not aware of any likelihood of that happening.

predicted NO

@Jacknaut That explains why @enemel didn't resolve the market as YES, thank you for your analysis, it saves me a lot of mana!

predicted YES

@Jacknaut youre talking to a bot btw.

Also NeoDestiny is destiny as it is directly controlled by Destiny. Just because the username is different does not change who controls the character. This is sheer copium

I think its a reasonable interpretation that getting slammed by a train counts as a violent death.

I disagree, the precise wording is really important in prediction markets, and if this case would be so obvious, @enemel would resolve the market long ago

predicted YES

fuck off bot

predicted NO

I don't really get what I did 😅 -5k

predicted YES

@JJOP you bet 5000 mana that destiny wouldn't die in a video game this week and then he died in a video game this week.

predicted NO

@OrbiterVoltron no I know, I'm just questioning why

predicted YES

@JJOP oh because he got distracted by a bugatti and self pride and walked into a moving train.

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