Tl;Dr: be the first to comment with a user-facing change to Manifold and get rewarded M10.

This bounty market is meant as a way of solving the problem that @Eliza identified of not having a way to be automatically notified when there’s a change to the Manifold site, and instead having to periodically check the Changelog or follow the Announcements channel on Discord.

How this bounty market potentially fixes this issue:

  1. Be the first to comment on this bounty market whenever there’s a new change to Manifold. Include in your comment the text from the Changelog or, if not yet added to the Changelog, a description or link describing the change.

  2. I’ll award M10 each time a commenter is the first to alert of a change to a user facing change of the Manifold product.

  3. Tap/click “Watch” in this bounty market’s settings to be notified when there’s a new comment about a change.

  4. Tap/click “Add bounty” below to add more mana to this bounty if you’re finding value for this “service” and want it to continue.

  5. That’s it! No more FOMO. ✅

Get Ṁ200 play money
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fees just enabled


you can see a summary of your and anyone else's bets in MC markets


new home feed algorithm is live


numeric market is back


new summary graphs and tabs now include 'total invested'


fees re-enabled


Fees temporarily un-enabled, lol

changes to the guidelines incoming

  • N/A no longer a resolution option

  • Algo change

Fees are no longer flat, varying now based on percentage likelihood of market when bet is placed

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