@cloudprism I was going to give you one of those universal dovetailers or schmidhuber machines that solves every problem with optimal Big-O complexity but with a multiplier so bad the universe would end before it does anything interesting.
There are some strange strands of thinking - some quite ancient, some very recent - that once you've got artificial time production you really lose your confidence about which time you're in at all.
Clarification request: how will this question resolve if it is revealed before the closing of this question that AI was achieved before the year 2000, and that we are not really located before 2030?
@jameso Or that AI was achieved before our subjective experience of the year 2000, but our subjective experience is way off base.
@jameso Good question. Depending on the particular manner and nature of temporal reframing that has occurred, I will resolve at my careful discretion.