Will Americans' overall confidence in US institutions decline in 2024, according to Gallup?
resolved Jul 15

Gallup polls Americans on their confidence in American institutions, publishing results every summer (see 2023, 2022, 2021).

Taking an average, Gallup also tracks overall confidence in US institutions, which have declined from an all-time high when polling began in 1979 of 48% to an all-time low in 2023 of 26%.

Will Gallup polling show a decline (i.e. 25% or less) in Americans' average confidence in US institutions in 2024?

Questions on the US institutions that makeup the average:

Other questions on Americans' confidence in US institutions:

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Gallup has published 2024's confidence in US institutions polling.

Confidence % for 2024 plus comparison to 2023:

  • Overall - 28% - an INCREASE compared to 26% in 2023

Institutions that improved in confidence:

  • Small business - 68% - an INCREASE compared to 65% in 2023

  • Military - 61% - an INCREASE compared to 60% in 2023

  • Police - 51% - an INCREASE compared to 43% in 2023

  • Medical system - 36% - an INCREASE compared to 34% in 2023

  • Supreme Court - 30% - an INCREASE compared to 27% in 2023

  • Public schools - 29% - an INCREASE compared to 26% in 2023

  • Organized labor - 28% - an INCREASE compared to 25% in 2023

  • Large tech companies - 27% - an INCREASE compared to 26% in 2023

  • Banks - 27% - an INCREASE compared to 26% in 2023

  • Criminal justice system - 21% - an INCREASE compared to 17% in 2023

  • Big business - 16% - an INCREASE compared to 14% in 2023

  • Congress - 9% - an INCREASE compared to 8% in 2023

Institutions that have no change in confidence:

  • Higher education - 36% - the SAME as 2023

  • Organized religion - 32% - the SAME as 2023

  • Presidency - 26% - the SAME as 2023

  • Newspapers - 18% - the SAME as 2023

Institutions that decreased in confidence:

  • Television news - 12% - a DECLINE compared to 14% in 2023

That means every US confidence in institutions question should resolve NO, including this one about overall confidence, except for Television news, which resolves YES.